Rugby club spotlight: Guangzhou Rams RFC

The Chinese social rugby scene has grown over the years with a number of competitive social rugby clubs throughout the country – we review another high-profile Chinese rugby club, the Guangzhou Rams RFC.
(Updated August 2023)
Club Motto: We Are Guangzhou. Get Down. Get Involved. Get Rammed.
City: Guangzhou
Country: China
Year Founded: 1997
- 2013: South China Cup winners – Guangdong cup winners – Xiamen 10s Plate winners
- 2014: South China Cup winners – Guangdong cup winners – Bangkok 10s Wok Winners – Kunming 10s winners
- 2015: All China Cup Runners up – Macau Beach tournament winners
- 2016: South China Cup winners –Guangzhou 10s winners – All China Cup Runners-up
- 2017: South China Cup winners – All China Cup runners-up
- 2018: South China Cup winners – Xiamen 10s winners – Macau Beach tournament winners
- 2019: South China Cup winners – Guangdong 10s runner up – All China Cup Runner up
- 2020: Guangdong 10s Winner
- 2021: All China Cup runners-up
- 2023: Guangzhou 10s winners, All China Cup winners
Who are the Guangzhou Rams RFC?
Tell us a little about how the club formed:
In 1997 two Aussies and Kiwi walked into a bar – what followed should have been the punchline for a joke, but was, in fact, the formation of South China’s premier rugby club. In the export-powerhouse of Southern China, three men with a passion for rugby saw a burgeoning opportunity to import our fantastic game and bring it to the masses.
In the 22 years since, the club has grown exponentially and now welcomes a large player and supporter base from a range of countries around the world into our Rams family flock.
Describe what formats of rugby your clubs support (Men’s, Women’s, Touch, Youth, 15s, 7s etc):
The club operates teams across all levels from our junior rugby program, ladies’ Rams, Bomb Squad and Men’s Senior First XVs. We have a passionate fan base throughout the city which is reflected in the numbers we have attending our men’s, women’s and children’s rugby training.
Our Men’s First XVs achieved our first All-China Cup championship in 2023, a historic first in the club’s 25+ year history.
- Guangzhou Rams RFC Touch rugby
- Guangzhou Rams RFC Ladies
Do you host any tournaments or what leagues do your teams participate in?
We participate in the All China Cup (ACC), South China League Conference and are represented by players playing for Hong Kong Scottish Rugby Club in Hong Kong.
What rugby development programs are you involved in?
We are heavily involved in developing junior rugby in Guangzhou!
Finally, tell us why you love your club and why/how players can get involved?
Players can follow our strong social media accounts to find out when, where and how to get involved in our sessions; from Men’s Senior Rugby to weekly boot camps to Crossfit to Social Touch, we have something for everyone. We are a club that celebrates our diversity yet appreciates the familial bond we all share.
Contact Guangzhou Rams RFC
- Guangzhou Rams RFC email
- Guangzhou Rams RFC website
- WeChat: @gzrams
- Instagram: @guangzhourams
You can read about other Asian social rugby club profiles here. If your rugby club is interested in getting profiled, get in touch!