HK Tag Annual Challenge 2020

The details for the 6th Annual HK Tag Challenge 2020 have been released by Hong Kong Tag, with the tournament set for May 2nd at King’s Park.
On their FB post, HK Tag said: “We look forward to seeing some fresh and familiar teams in full force! If you’ve competed before, you know the drill. Watch this space for updates. See you soon!”
HK Tag Annual Challenge 2020 details
The Hong Kong Tag tournament requires 7 players per side and the teams must be mixed gender. The on-field team also needs to have a minimum of 3 women on the pitch at all times.
- 7 players-a-side.
- Mixed teams.
- Minimum of 3 Women players on the pitch at all times for each team.
- Maximum of 14 players per team.
- Players must be 16 years old or older.
- Appropriate team kit must be word and tag shorts (provided by HKTag or accredited ITF suppliers).
Teams can register by contacting HK Tag with early bird registration rates available until March 25 2020
- Venue: King’s Park, Hong Kong
- Date: 2nd May 2020
Find more tag and touch news in Asia
- HK and Japan may enter the ITF Tag Confed Cup 2020.
- The 1st Asian Touch Cup will be played in China in 2020.
- The Hong Kong All Women Touch Tournament, ELEGANCE HK 2020, runs from April 11th-12th 2020.
- Read some of our best Asian rugby stories form 2019.