Grassroots Rugby: Nak Suu Rugby Academy

Nak Suu Rugby Academy
Motto: Changing Lives Forever
City/location: Bangkok
Country/countries: Thailand
Year founded: 2009
Grassroots rugby: Bangkok
Tell us a little about how the organization formed:
Nak Suu was formed in 2009 with the combined efforts of Sopo Fakaua (ARK INTL.) and Eddie Evans (X-treme Sports Gear). They both have a big heart for kids and rugby and wanted to try to start something here in Bangkok geared towards helping them. Sopo, who was already working with underprivileged kids in Bangkok, and Eddie, who was running a sportswear company, then combined their efforts to start up the Nak Suu Rugby Academy. The early stages involved running rugby clinics for well over 100+ kids in Bangkok.
How do you support rugby development/grassroots rugby and who do you target?
We support grassroots rugby by targeting the underprivileged kids in Bangkok. Underprivileged, meaning they don’t get a lot of the same opportunities that most kids usually get to have. So learning rugby is something they would probably never have a chance to do because of their situation.
We use the values of rugby to help better these kids’ lives (discipline, character building, respect and honouring each another).
What are the biggest challenges you face?
Some of our biggest challenges lately have been raising enough financial support to grow the program even more so that we can do more with the kids throughout the year. Currently, we raise just enough funds to keep the program running throughout the year and provide a couple of events for the kids to offer some new opportunities for them.
What are some of the highlights or achievements of the organization?
One of the biggest highlights of each year, for both the program and the youths involved, is the Bangkok International 10s. This tournament is run yearly as a way to help raise support, to get the name Nak Suu out there, and just an overall great opportunity for the kids to have fun and have great life experiences through rugby.
Video Credit: The Rugby Lovers Guide to Asia
What support do you get and how can other people support or help?
All of the proceeds from the Bangkok International 10s go back into helping run Nak Suu. The Bangers on Bikes do a charity bike ride for us, and a few other charities in Thailand every year to help support the program. We also have a few volunteers that give up their weekly Saturday mornings to come and help with rugby training with the kids.
Finally, tell us why you love your organization and what does the future hold in store?
I love this program because it’s not just about rugby, it’s about how can we help these kids through the sport of rugby. What opportunities can we provide for these kids through rugby to grow up and be educated, respectable, humble, great and successful in all aspects of their lives?
Coming from their underprivileged situation, life can be hard, so one of the biggest things we can do for them is just showing them that they are loved and cared about. That people want to see them succeed in life and not remain stuck where they are.
We hope to, in the future, continue to expand the program with more kids as well as being able to take the children outside of Bangkok to run some rugby clinics. We want the older kids to help coach and teach the younger ones, to give back the lessons they have learned.
The questions were answered by Dillon Weimar, Head Coordinator of Nak Suu Rugby Academy.
You can contact Nak Suu Rugby Academy via:
- Website:
- Email:
- Facebook: NakSuuRugby
- Instagram: NakSuuRugby